Tips for a Successful Reading with Spirit
Please refrain from giving Leslie any details about your loved ones when connecting for a mediumship reading. It's important for her to collect evidence from spirit first, which she will offer to you for validation. Once connection is established and confirmed, then active participation is welcomed.
In an evidential mediumship session, please refrain from asking questions until the end. A psychic or psychic medium reading would be a better option if you have questions to be covered. Leslie will ask you what your goals are at the start of the session to better understand what format is best for you. However, spirit usually decides what's best and leads the way!
You can further prepare for the mediumship reading by thinking of your loved one in a way that is positive and loving, such as thinking of your favorite memory together, before a session. However, the act of booking a session is usually enough for your loved ones to know to show up. In situations where a sitter is experiencing deep levels of grief, Leslie asks that you limit booking for only one or two people at most to get the best connection possible.
Despite sharing similar gifts, all mediums are different. Spirit often presents to Leslie first with significant or chronic physical issues and problems they experienced that led to their passing. She also gets their gender or gender traits, an understanding of their connection to you, as well as other info that would provide evidence of who is present. Such information can also include showing photographs, meaningful items you would associate with them, initials or names, evidence of their personality, habits, beliefs, etc.. Spirit usually provides information on current family circumstance and how they let you know that they are around, too.
Not all psychic mediums are right for all clients, including spirit, and spirit may choose not to come through. Because of this, there is no guarantee that the specific loved one you wish to connect with will be present during your reading. While this is rare, it is possible, and Leslie will do her best to bring your preferred loved one in. Regardless of who comes through, please do your best to be open to the connection because they are presenting for you with a purpose.
Lastly, Leslie maintains the right to refuse a client if she does not feel she is the right practitioner for you.
Podcasts featuring Leslie as a guest
If you are interested in Leslie being a guest on your podcast, please contact us.
Listen to Leslie's latest interview on Austin Afterlife Podcast
Listen to this interview on Realm: Psychic Medium Leslie Werling interviewed by healer Angela Haines
Listen to the Gossip Greg interview and channeling with Psychic Medium Leslie Werling!
Leslie loves all things paranormal! Send a message if you'd like to have her assist with your investigations.
Healing Exercises and Affirmations
Forgiveness Exercise
Take control of your life through the power of forgiveness! Even if the act or words you are trying to get over were made by someone else, by forgiving them and yourself you are able to take ownership of the pain and negativity associated in order to let go. To do this exercise simply think of the issue you are holding onto and how it makes you feel. Then say to yourself out loud: "I forgive myself for (insert action/words)" and repeat it over and over again until you tire of it. You may need to adjust the phrase slightly to say, "I forgive myself for feeling (insert emotion)". And when the thought or pain comes up again, use the phrase repeatedly until you tire of it again. In time, you will find that you think of the situation less frequently, that it bothers you less and that you are repeating the mantra less often... A sign that you are releasing the hold it has had over you for all of this time! It's a simple, but effective exercise that delivers amazing results when used consistently.
Guided Meditations and Instructional Videos
To see the full library of videos, go to Leslie's YouTube Channel

I Am Affirmation Meditation
Root chakra: I am grounded and connected with the earth. I feel secure in my being and in the path that lies ahead.
Sacral: I am excited for all that the future brings my way! I feel blessings, laughter and enthusiasm coming to me and I face it with love and appreciation.
Solar Plexus: I am strong in knowing who I am and in the road that lies ahead. I trust my gut and intuition to lead me each step of the way and trust my Higher Self with confidence.
Heart: I am at peace within and allow myself to connect with the purity of my heart. I offer myself love and nurturing and recognize that in doing so, I am providing love and nurturing to all who surround me.
Throat: I am clear in communicating my truth and recognizing the truth in others. My voice is heard and I am open to listen.
Brow: I am wise and intuitive. I see clearly. I hear clearly. I know clearly and I am discerning of all persons and circumstance that surround me, including my own.
Crown: I am one with the Universe. I am connected. I embrace the beauty of my path with grace and gratitude.
I am. I am. I am.